Embrace the journey of positive parenthood

A social networking and knowledge-sharing platform for parents, with the aim of enhancing their parenthood experience and making it more positive and memorable.

For a Positive Parenthood

Everything you need to know about us.

Parenthood Workshops.

Learn through our educational workshops and webinars tailored for parents and children.

Interactive Events.

Participate in interactive activities targeting various aspects of parenthood, fostering involvement and teamwork.

Digital Platform.

Connect on our digital platform for sharing knowledge and experiences among parents.

Parent-Friendly Workplace Initiative.

Creating a supportive and inclusive work environment where employees can effectively balance their professional and parental responsibilities.

Parenthood Clubs.

Parenthood Clubs are community groups within workplaces or local communities that provide support, resources, and networking opportunities for parents.

Parenthood Foundation.

The Parenthood Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of parents and children.

Our Works

Some of the Awesome Projects we've worked on.


We provide wide range of Flexible & Useful Services.

Technology Utilization

Harness the power of technology for efficient parenting strategies.

Entrepreneurship and Career

Explore entrepreneurship and career opportunities while balancing family life.

Social Responsibility

Cultivate social responsibility values within your family dynamic.

Work-Life Balance

Achieve harmony between work commitments and family responsibilities.

Child Development

Foster holistic child development through engaging activities and guidance.

Health, Nutrition, and Hygiene

Prioritize health, nutrition, and hygiene practices for your family's well-being.

Mental Health Wellbeing

Enhance mental health and well-being through proactive support and resources.

Family Bonding and Relationship

Strengthen family bonds and relationships through shared experiences and communication.

Our Audience


Expecting and New Parents

Parents of Early Schoolers

Parents of Schoolers

Parents of Teens

Expecting and New Parents


Early Schoolers



What Clients say?

Some of our Clients love us & so we do!

Thank you very much for organising today's parenting programme. Special thanks to Ms. Nimethri for making it informative and interesting...


Parenthood Global

Thank you for the valuable insights on parenting Ms Roshni and Ms Nimethri. Hoping to continue these interactions in the future too. A session for kids on 'interacting with other kids' would be useful too.


Parenthood Global

Thank You this morning's programme. It was most useful. I hope you will be able to organise the Mother-daudgter or parent-kid interactive learning session soon. It would be very


Parenthood Global

A very meaningful session. For me in General, although most matters were repetitive for me.... it did confirm and re assure me that many matters were going the right way regarding my children. (although i previously had doubts regarding many of our parenting methods). Thus allowing to continue in peace of mind and confidence... In turn rendering the benefit to my children.
Ihad a most valuable takeaway on how to bring change to an aspect of my parenting that I previousely hasn't realised possibly caused stress on my elder children.
The group was fairly small enough enabling interaction and sharing of experience.
Q & A sessions brought to surface many current common issues/problems/struggles in parenting of this era, especially in the current SL scenario.


Parenthood Global